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To defend your ideas

In a period characterized by continuous and sudden changes in every field of science and technology, the ability to produce new ideas and knowledge has become increasingly important for a company. At the same time, one’s ideas and creativity must be defended and protected and, therefore, it is essential to identify the best strategy to protect the creativity and novelty of one’s products, their shape, their packaging and their image.

We work to defend


We support our customers throughout the path leading to innovation and its protection, starting from the research phase which aims to find concrete and specific solutions using for practical purposes the already acquired theoretical knowledge.



We support our customers throughout the path leading to innovation and its protection, starting from the research phase which aims to find concrete and specific solutions using for practical purposes the already acquired theoretical knowledge.



We actively cooperate with customers to meet their real needs in pursuing technological development to improve the company’s products, create new ones or improve and modernize production processes in order to ensure growth, succeed on the market and increase competitiveness.



We actively cooperate with customers to meet their real needs in pursuing technological development to improve the company’s products, create new ones or improve and modernize production processes in order to ensure growth, succeed on the market and increase competitiveness.


We defend and make more valuable the innovation achieved by our customers by providing advice in the wide field of industrial property. Responding in an innovative way to changes in the environment and new scientific discoveries to give concrete answers is, in fact, essential for the competitiveness of a company, but innovation must be protected with industrial property rights.



We defend and make more valuable the innovation achieved by our customers by providing advice in the wide field of industrial property. Responding in an innovative way to changes in the environment and new scientific discoveries to give concrete answers is, in fact, essential for the competitiveness of a company, but innovation must be protected with industrial property rights.


We support our customers throughout the path leading to innovation and its protection, starting from the research phase which aims to find concrete and specific solutions using for practical purposes the already acquired theoretical knowledge.


We actively cooperate with customers to meet their real needs in pursuing technological development to improve the company’s products, create new ones or improve and modernize production processes in order to ensure growth, succeed on the market and increase competitiveness.


We defend and make more valuable the innovation achieved by our customers by providing advice in the wide field of industrial property. Responding in an innovative way to changes in the environment and new scientific discoveries to give concrete answers is, in fact, essential for the competitiveness of a company, but innovation must be protected with industrial property rights. 

Our services

They confer the exclusive right to exploit an invention that presents the characteristics of novelty, industrial applicability and inventive activity, preventing third parties, in a specific territorial area, from using, producing or marketing the product or the realization of the patented process.

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They allow to protect those inventions that present improvements such as to confer a particular utility, or ease of use or application, to machines or parts thereof, tools and utensils. They do not protect industrial processes, chemical and biotechnology products and electrical/electronic circuits cannot be protected with a utility model.

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They protect the appearance of the entire product or a part thereof which results, in particular, from the characteristics of lines, contours, colors, shape, surface structure and/or materials of the product itself and/or its ornament. Therefore, they protect the aesthetic or decorative aspect of a product, and not its technical or functional c...

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A trademark is any sign capable of being represented graphically, in particular words, figures, letters, numbers, sounds, the shape of a product or packaging, combinations or chromatic tones, provided that it is suitable to distinguish the goods or services of one firm from those of other ones.

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Carried out on specialized data banks, patent searches are recommended to investigate the state of the art with respect to a specific topic and to avoid infringement of third party patents and, in the field of trademarks, to avoid obstacles to the registration and conflicts with third-party trademarks.

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All intellectual works that are original and with a creative character can be protected by copyright, therefore copyright applies to a wide range of works, for example, to the visual arts, music, literature, architecture and engineering, theater, cinema, computer programs and databases.

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In principle, software is protected by copyright law, while to obtain protection by an invention patent, software must provide a technical solution to a technical problem and meet the usual requirements for the patentability of inventions.

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We offer technical-legal assistance to our customers in trademark opposition procedures, oppositions before the EPO, in judicial and extra-judicial actions for counterfeiting, nullity and unfair competition in the field of patents/utility models, designs/models and trademarks and in licensing and assignment agreements for patents, utility models...

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A domain name is the name associated with a website. As such, the domain name is a real distinctive sign which, as for a trademark, must be registered, has an expiry date, needs protection and can be activated against third parties.

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Conferiscono al loro titolare il diritto esclusivo di sfruttamento di un’invenzione che presenti le caratteristiche della novità, applicabilità industriale e attività inventiva, impedendo a terzi l’utilizzo, la produzione o commercializzazione del prodotto o la realizzazione del processo brevettati.

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Permettono di proteggere quei trovati che presentano dei miglioramenti tali da conferire una particolare utilità a macchine o parti di esse, strumenti e utensili. Non proteggono i procedimenti industriali, i prodotti chimici e della biotecnologia, i circuiti elettrici/elettronici.

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Proteggono l’aspetto dell’intero prodotto o di una sua parte quale risulta dalle caratteristiche di linee, contorni, colori, forma, struttura superficiale e/o dei materiali del prodotto stesso. Tutelano l’aspetto estetico o decorativo di un prodotto, e non i suoi caratteri tecnici o funzionali.

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Il marchio indica un qualunque segno suscettibile di essere rappresentato graficamente: parole, disegni, lettere, cifre, suoni, combinazioni o tonalità cromatiche, purché sia idoneo a distinguere i prodotti o i servizi di un'impresa da quelli delle altre.

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Svolte su banche dati altamente specializzate, le ricerche brevettuali sono raccomandate per indagare lo stato dell’arte rispetto ad uno specifico argomento ed evitare la violazione di brevetti di terzi e nel campo dei marchi per evitare ostacoli alla registrazione e conflitti con marchi di terzi.

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Sono proteggibili con il diritto d’autore tutte le opere dell’ingegno che siano originali e con carattere creativo, quali le arti figurative, la musica, la letteratura, l’architettura e l’ingegneria, il teatro, la cinematografia, a programmi per elaboratore e banche dati.

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In linea di principio il software viene tutelato dalla normativa sul diritto d’autore, mentre per essere proteggibile con un brevetto d’invenzione esso deve apportare una soluzione tecnica ad un problema tecnico e soddisfare i normali requisiti di brevettabilità delle invenzioni.

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Offriamo assistenza tecnico-legale in procedure di opposizione marchi, opposizione di fronte a UEB, in azioni giudiziali ed extra-giudiziali per contraffazione, nullità e concorrenza sleale nel campo dei brevetti/modelli di utilità, disegni/modelli e marchi, nonché in contratti di licenza e cessione.

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Il nome a dominio è il nome associato ad un sito web. E’, quindi, un vero e proprio segno distintivo che, come per il marchio di impresa, deve essere registrato, deve essere rinnovato, necessita di protezione e può essere azionato contro terzi.

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Test our experience

We have been operating in the patent and trademark sector

for more than 90 years

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